Acacia Cultural Heritage Consulting

Indigenous Cultural Heritage Research and Consulting
Acacia Cultural Heritage Consulting undertakes anthropological research and assessments and community consultation work in Indigenous cultural heritage, social surroundings, cultural landscape and community values mapping, post-mining landscapes and land use and renewable energy projects on Aboriginal lands . We work predominantly across the Pilbara Region, the Gascoyne, Mid-West and the Kimberley in Western Australia. Visit our services page for more information.
The founder of Acacia Cultural Heritage Consulting, Dr Amanda Harris, is a social anthropologist who has worked extensively across Western Australia, the Northern Territory, China and Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Social and Medical Anthropology from the University of Newcastle, a Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage from Deakin University and an Honours Degree (First Class) in Molecular Biology from the University of Sydney. Amanda is a professional member of the Australian Anthropological Society and the Anthropological Society of Western Australia.
In Western Australia, Amanda has provided consultancy services to a wide range of clients: Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation, Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation, Mugarinya Community Association, Central Desert Native Title Service, Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation / Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation, Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation, Nyangumarta Aboriginal Corporation, Wanparta Aboriginal Corporation, Yugunga-Nya Traditional Owners, Wajarri Traditional Owners, Ngururrpa Traditional Owners, Jurruru People, Puuti Kunti Kurrama Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation, Nyamal Aboriginal Corporation, CSIRO, Roy Hill Iron Ore, Rio Tinto Iron Ore and Rio Tinto Exploration, Fortescue Metals Group, Atlas Iron, BHP Billion, Sipa Resources, Paterson Resources, Mineral Resources Ltd., Macro Metals Ltd., BP Alternative Energy Pty Ltd and the Australian Renewable Energy Hub, Australian Vanadium, Antipa Minerals, Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority of Western Australia, Department of Planning of Western Australia, AAIG Malaysia, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, Fremantle Port Authority, City of Swan, City of Belmont, City of Stirling and the University of Western Australia, among others.
Dr Amanda Harris
mob: 0410861366
ABN: 87409252683